Friday, February 27, 2009
At&T Sucks
But the best was the service clown tried to sell me additional internet services.
I told him I would not buy a sandwich from AT&T if I was starving.
What great customer relations there, how soon do you think I will buy a AT&T product.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Finding the right folks for your family is the biggest problem. Common names are difficult because there are basketsful of these people. Unusual names are difficult also, no one is hunting those people. One of my favorites was great grandpa McCoats. McCoats is not a name of any interest to Us genealogist. Some of the McCoats were more than likely shortened to Coats. But what happened to my Family is ols Sam McCoats came to the Us, married and proceded to father a housefull of girls. Not one son to carreyone the name. I know he had a sister but family legend said he had a brother who was a Doctor that the British hanged.
I'm still looking for www.
Oh well since I'm sorta semi retired I can keep hunting for these people.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Help Wanted Ads
Help Wanted Ads
The Sunday newspaper at one time was overflowing with want ads a few months ago. This Sunday's want ads looked like a Tuesday edition. Usually you could find 10 or 12 car dealerships looking for the next super salesman. This week only 2 were looking for the ultimate car salesman.
I know the Internet has diluted some of the advertisers but even the job sites are not overwhelmed with advertisers. Times like now might call for drastic action. I might have to actually get up, get dressed in job hunting clothes and go place to place looking for a job.
Today, I will call some of my contacts and gets some job leads from them. Then I will make sure my job hunting duds are ready for action.
To get that $13 a week stimulus from Obama lama ding dong, I will need a job.
I am sure the porkulus package will have a job for me. Hmmm I'm not a heavy equipment operator, I'm not a construction worker, I do not sell electronic equipment to the medical industry, I 'm not an auto worker, I am not a bank manager or wall street broker, but I would be happy to take one of those 500,000 a year jobs saving a bank. Not that I could save a bank but the guys in charge right now have not done so well.
Then again I can apply for my social security and apply for foods stamps.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Time to Retire ?
Oh well social security will be more money and I can still look for work.
I will do more on Ebay, get my web site up and running.
I find it interesting that insurance companies are looking for salesmen, I have had 2 calls from 2 benefit related insurance outfits. Who in the heck is buying Life or accident insurance right now?
Last time I talked to these guys, I had to pay for a class and pay for the test and pay for a license, then get paid only if I sell the policies.
Spring will be here soon, maybe I will buy a fishing license and go fishing.