Thursday, October 15, 2009

I should have known !

My sister and I would like to apologize to the millions of social security recipients that did not receive their COLA this year.
What happened was that we both applied and received our social security this year. Of course this put a double whammy on the system.
If we were in a lottery and had 999 of 1000 tickets we would still not win. Not even second prize.
I guess we should be happy that the whole system did not collapse.
Well Obama lamma ding dong mentioned giving another 250.00 to the retirees, I did not get that last year as I filed my ss request later in the year.
He needs to keep that money, my kids are going to have a heck of a time paying back what he has spent in his 1st nine months in office.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hair today Bald tomorrow

Well the picture here was today, the one on my blog close to tomorrow.
This one I have hair. No glasses (contact lens). The old hard lens, made your eyes red. This pic says 1968 Chapel Hill. That would be Woolworth's in Akron, Ohio.
I am playing at playing that guitar, I am doing good to play the stereo.
In the background you will see some almost obsolete items, film, transistor radio batteries, and me.
If you ever wondered what I looked like without a mustache, glasses, 80+ pounds, and with hair take a close gander at that picture.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Birthdays & Facebook

I was never one to remember peoples birthdays.
I remember a few, my wife's I never forget (self preservation.) I remember my birthday, my wife won't let me forget.
Now I am on Facebook and I can see whose birthdays I missed. Most recent example was my sister's. But I miss other people's bds too.
Looked at my profile the other day and found out I was invited to my niece's bd last june. I do not keep up with facebook either. Got 57 invites to play games, support this group, or join this group. You can join or ignore. I choose to do neither it is a passive ignore I guess.

So if I miss your birthday, I will more than likely see it on facebook and feel bad for a minute or two.

If I dont join or support don't feel bad.

I rarely open fowards in my Email. The forwards I do open are from people who rarely forward something.

If you haven't received a forward from me do not feel left out, I do not do forwards more than once or twice a half decade.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Today's modern word programs have a wonderful feature called spellcheck. I am such a poor speller at times even spellcheck can't figure out what the heck I'm trying to do.
Then there are the words that sound alike but have different meanings, English people have a word for it but I can't spell it. Well I can spell it but not the 50 cent word for sound alikes.
Watt, what. there, their, here, hear, rain reign, pin, pen and gazillions more.
This spell check gives a choice if you spell mardrt it gives you a choice of Madrid, Margret, Marat, Mordred, or Maturate.