Thursday, December 3, 2009

Deer Hunting ?

It is called Deer Hunting, why I really don't know. It should be called Deer sitting or Deer waiting or freezing your butt off in the cold waiting for a deer to walk up so you can blast it.
Been awhile since I went Deer sitting, so this year I was reminded how cold you can get waiting for one of Bambi's relatives to show up.
I am still waiting, Bambi's relatives must have been out of town.
The internet is loaded with info, a very few of Bambi's daddies ever make it to trophy size. I laughed when I read a lot of sitters are taking Doe, waiting for the Big Un to show up. They let the young bucks go, hoping they grop up to be Big Bucks. BUT people with cars are very good at killing off these youngsters, and if the cars do not get them something else does.
So now the pin heads that try to estimate the population of Bambi kin are having trouble because the harvest ( nice word for blasted deer) is scewed because of the amount of antlerless deer blasted. Most deer won't send in the census forms to be counted.
I guess I will go back to deer sitting, the gun sitting season ends soon. And I don't sit with a bow, that usually requires sitting in a contraption up in a tree.

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